紋藝祭 TAT FEST 2025 – 活動條款及細則
紋藝祭 TAT FEST 2025 – 活動條款及細則
Latest update: January 4, 2025
以下為您參加將於 2025 年 2 月 8 日至 9 日於香港香港仔「蒲窩青少年中心」(以下稱為「活動場地」) 舉行的「紋藝祭 TAT FEST」(以下稱為「活動」) 所適用的條款與條件。本活動由 紋身說TattooSays (以下稱為「主辦單位」)、Destruction 及 蒲窩青少年中心 (以下稱為「協辦單位」) 聯合舉辦。購買門票並進入活動場地即表示您同意以下條款與條件:
1.您必須持有有效門票方可進入活動場地並參加活動,3 歲以下兒童可免費入場。16 歲以下參加者須由 18 歲或以上且持有效門票的監護人陪同。主辦單位有權要求您出示香港身份證、護照或其他可被接受的身份證明文件以核實年齡。
2. 活動僅供協辦單位的會員參加;如參加者未持有協辦單位基本會籍或以上的身份,則需填寫報名表格,報名表格上填寫的個人資料將會用作登記會員即日通,並只限於出席活動時生效。
9. 以下物品嚴禁攜帶進入活動場地及活動現場:非法毒品或物質、刀具或類似武器(包括鏈條/鏈錢包)、煙花、爆炸物、雷射及雷射筆、旗幟、無人機、專業相機及錄音設備、獨立音響系統、發電機、寵物、煙霧或氣罐(包括噴霧罐)、擴音器、空氣喇叭、任何危險或有害物品、玻璃容器、桿子(包括自拍桿)、未經授權的商品(包括但不限於使用未經授權活動標誌或品牌的商品),以及主辦單位及協辦單位單方面認為會危害公眾安全的任何其他物品。主辦單位有權拒絕攜帶此類物品者進入活動或驅逐出場。
15.本文件中所列的條款和條件可能會不時發生變化,最新版本可在主辦單位的網站 www.tattoosays.com 以及TattooSays 或 Tat Fest Insatgram上找到。
19.主辦單位及協辦單位會嚴格遵守《個人資料(私隱)條例》(第486章) 規定,並確保妥善儲存有關的個人資料及資料準確無誤。主辦單位及協辦單位只收集參加者資料作開立收據、聯絡、招募義工、宣傳活動/服務、進行問卷調查及收集意見之用途,並不會以任何形式出售、租借或轉讓予任何人士或組織。
Latest update: January 4, 2025
Set out below are the terms and conditions relating to your attendance at "TAT FEST" to be held in Hong Kong, 8 - 9 February 2025 (the "Event") at The Warehouse Teenage Club, Aberdeen, Hong Kong (the "Venue") and organized by TattooSays (the "Organiser"), Destruction (the “co-organiser”) and The Warehouse Teenage Club (the “co-organiser”) . By purchasing a ticket and entering the Venue you hereby agree to the following terms and conditions:
1. To enter the Venue and attend the Event you must have a valid Ticket. Children under 3 years may enter the event free. All attendees under 16 must be accompanied by a guardian who is over 18 and holds a valid ticket. The Organiser reserves the right to demand proof of age in the form of your Hong Kong Identity card, passport or other form of proof of identity acceptable to the Organiser.
2. The event organized by the co-organiser are eligible to members only. If you have not registered the co-organizer’s basic membership or any degree of membership upgrade, your personal information provided will be used to register a temporary membership that is valid only during your presence at the activity.
3. Searching is a condition of entry to the Venue and accordingly the Organiser has the right to search the bags and other personal belongings of all persons attending the Event and reserves the right as a result of such search to exclude any person from the Event and Venue or to exclude any person who refuses to be searched.
4. Upon admission to the Venue you will be provided with a wristband, which is required for re-entry to the Event and must not be transferred to other individuals.
5. Various goods and services are available for purchase at the Event, including food, beverages, other merchandise (the “Goods”) and tattoo services. Whilst the Goods and tattoo services available for purchase at the Event are available through individual Vendor outlets at the Venue, the ownership of the Goods belongs to the individual vendor. For the avoidance of doubt the contract entered into in respect of the sale of the Goods shall be between you and the vendor. All complaints in relation to the Goods and services should be handled by the individual vendor.
6. The ticket you have purchased is for the Event and not for a specific band or artist and the Organiser reserves the right to alter or change the programme and line up without prior notification.
7. The Organiser reserves the right to cancel the Event at any stage, if deemed necessary in their sole opinion, or if circumstances arise which are outside their control, including but not limited to adverse weather conditions. In the event that the Event is cancelled or the lineup changed, the Organiser will not be liable for the payment of any compensation or any loss of money and/or expenses incurred. In the event of the cancellation of the entire event only the face value of the ticket will be refunded through the ticket agent through whom the tickets were purchased.
8. The Organiser adopts a zero tolerance to drugs and as such all drugs, including legal highs, are prohibited from the Event and Venue. You may be rejected or ejected from the Event and reported to the police if found to be in possession of any such substances.
9. The following articles are prohibited at the Venue and the Event: illegal drugs or substances, knives or similar weapons including chains/chain wallets, fireworks, explosives, lasers and laser pointers, flags, drones, professional cameras and audio recording devices, independent sound systems, generators, pets, smoke or gas canisters (including aerosols),megaphones ,air- horns, dangerous or hazardous items of any description, glass vessels, poles (including selfie sticks), unauthorized items for trading including but not limited to any goods or items using unauthorised event logos or brands, and any other item which in the sole opinion of the Organiser endangers public safety. The Organiser reserves the right to refuse entry to the Event or to eject anyone found to be in possession of any such item(s).
10. The following behaviour is expressly prohibited at the Event and Venue:
-Unauthorised professional photography or use of professional recording equipment and zoom lenses, audio visual or cinematographic devices
-Underage drinking. Alcohol cannot be brought into the Venue.
-Smoking except in designated smoking areas
-Stage diving, moshing, climbing, crowd surfing
-Urinating in public places
-Unauthorised merchandising
The Organiser reserves the right to eject any person participating in such prohibited activity from the Event and Venue.
11. The Organiser and co-organiser reserves the right to refuse anyone entry to the Event and Venue and to eject therefrom any person who in the sole discretion of the Organiser, fails to comply with instructions from a steward or other person acting on the Organiser's behalf. Anyone found to be causing damage to the Venue, behaving in an illegal or anti-social manner whether or not through alcohol or drug abuse, shall be ejected from the Venue and may be reported to the police.
12. The Event may be filmed and items used for internet streaming. By attending the Event you provide your consent to the use of your actual or simulated likeness in connection with the production, exhibition, advertising or exploitation of any film, video and /or audio recording of the Event or any element thereof in any media of whatever form throughout the world. You also agree to being filmed by police or security staff for the purpose of ensuring public security at the Event and preventing crime.
13. The Organiser and co-organiser shall not be liable for any loss, damage, cost or expense, except in the case of death or personal injury if due to any negligent act or omission on their part. Persons attending the Event are responsible for their own valuables and the Organiser will not be liable for any loss or damage to personal property brought to the Venue.
14. You understand and acknowledge that extended exposure to loud noise may cause damage to hearing and that smoke effects, strobe lighting and loud noises may be used at this event. The Organiser has no liability to you in relation to any damage caused by these matters.
15. These terms and conditions may be updated. The latest version can be found at www.tattoosays.com and TattooSays & Tat Fest Instagram.
16. To the fullest extent permissible in law, the Organiser shall be entitled to assign any and all of its rights and obligations under these terms and conditions provided that your rights are not adversely affected to any material extent.
17. If any provision contained in the terms and conditions set out herein is found to be invalid or unenforceable by any court, the invalid or unenforceable provision shall be severed or amended in such a manner as to render the rest of the provision(s) and remainder of these terms and conditions shall remain valid and enforceable.
18. Any failure or delay on the part of the Organiser to enforce any of these terms and conditions shall not constitute a waiver of any of its rights hereunder.
19. The Organiser and co-organiser seeks to comply fully with the provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Cap. 486) when holding and processing such information. The collection of personal information serves the purposes of issuing invoices, receipts and related documents; contact; recruitment of volunteers, participants and instructors; promotion; fundraising; survey and similar uses. The collected information will not be disclosed to any third party.
20. The terms and conditions set out herein shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws and regulations of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China and are subject to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the Hong Kong courts.
樂隊陣容 Day 1 13:00 - 16:00
Wantamtam 我地希望
Mr.Nice 尼斯先生
The Flashback 閃回樂團
Melonyea 野瓜五人眾
樂隊陣容 Day 1 18:30 - 21:30
Cozy Syndrome 舒適症候群
After Tales
ByeBye Miku
樂隊陣容 Day 2 13:00 - 16:00
The Priceless Boat
Asurababy 阿修羅寶寶
I Left Daisy
樂隊陣容 Day 2 18:30 - 21:30
Instinct of Sight

// 以紋會友,匯集一眾本地紋身師、創作人、樂隊及獨立品牌 //
隨紋身於香港越發普及,紋藝祭望眾合次文化界有才之人,帶來一場多元的文化體驗,透過現場紋身、樂隊表演、塗鴉體驗、市集及工作坊,拉近同好者的距離。紋藝祭邀請了 16 隊不同風格的本地樂隊,初嘗於各時段安排 1 隊知名樂隊及 3 隊新晉樂隊演出,希望到訪者能欣賞到不常公開演出的香港樂隊表演,繼承蒲窩過往舉辦多次香港青年樂隊比賽,鼓勵青少年自我創作、多元發展的蒲窩文化,一同驅動及保育藝術文化。
紋身說成員經常流連各大音樂祭、LIVE HOUSE,有見台灣音樂祭融合不同文化體驗的做法,希望將之帶來香港,看看不同界別的創作人會碰撞出什麼火花,望眾合次文化界有才之人,帶來一場多元的文化體驗,透過現場紋身、樂隊表演、塗鴉體驗、市集及工作坊,拉近同好者的距離。活動詳情敬請留意 @tatfesthk
紋藝祭 TAT FEST 2025 基本入場門票 Gerenal Ticket
Regular price HK$40.00Regular priceUnit price / per -
紋藝祭 TAT FEST 2025 樂隊演出套票 Day Pass
Regular price From HK$480.00Regular priceUnit price / per -
紋藝祭 TAT FEST 2025 樂隊演出門票 Day 1 13:00-16:00
Regular price HK$320.00Regular priceUnit price / per -
紋藝祭 TAT FEST 2025 樂隊演出門票 Day 1 18:30-21:30
Regular price HK$320.00Regular priceUnit price / per -
紋藝祭 TAT FEST 2025 樂隊演出門票 Day 2 13:00-16:00
Regular price HK$320.00Regular priceUnit price / per